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    • Legends Bollywood Dance Championship
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    • legends@desidancenetwork.org
    Legends Bollywood Dance Championship is the official national final for collegiate Bollywood dance teams across America and is sponsored by the Desi Dance Network, an organization working to promote South Asian performing arts in the United States. Legends will not only feature an intense national competition, but will also showcase local talent, and other non-competitive performances from some of the nation�¢����s greatest South Asian American performers. Come join us for a colorful evening full of dance, culture, and music as teams battle it out for the honor of this year�¢����s Legends�¢���� National Champion! Witness the best of the best at this culminating event! Since November, hundreds of teams across the nation have been competing for a chance to qualify into Legends. This national final will feature the top ten, most exciting productions of the year! In true Bollywood fashion, each performance will be complete with dramatic storylines, vibrant costumes, lavish set pieces, elaborate choreography, and energy like you�¢����ve never seen before! Audience goers can expect to see a variety of dance styles performed on stage, as teams combine everything from Indian classical, folk, bhangra, and Bollywood with contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop. You won�¢����t find this �¢����fusion�¢���� of South Asian and American popular culture anywhere else but here! This year Legends will also be donating all of its competition proceeds to the Shanti Bhavan Children's Project, a remarkable school in Bangalore, India (featured recently in the Netflix documentary Daughters of Destiny), providing a liberal arts education to some of India's most socio-economically disadvantaged children. Help us support Shanti Bhavan and our competing teams by purchasing a ticket to Legends, and seeing who we crown to be the next Bollywood Dance National Champion!
    Zee TV Presents: Legends Bollywood Championship 2018 - About
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