Yollay App

Capture event photos and videos, backstage rehearsals, audiences. Share it instantly with your fans and friends. Carry your event with you wherever you go.
Its fun its cool.
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Capture timeless moments at your event, make it memorable. Upload it instantly to your Profile Page.


Share event photos, videos of your event, with your well wishers, grow your fan base reach out to the world.


Wherever you go carry your event in your pocket. Let your friends check out your events. Its fun and engaging. they will love it.

Artists Profile

It's a game changer. A simple strategy to incredible success. Profile yourself, a one chance to showcase yourself. Its all about you, your events, your fans your following and much more.

Event Organizing

..the easy way

Is conducting an event time consuming ?

Yollay gives you the quick and simple approach. Post your events in minutes. Sell and track ticket sales, use Yollay templates to send out invitations, all from the comfort of your living room.