
  • 117 Statler Dr
  • Ithaca,NY,United States
Following the tradition from Pao Bhangra last year, GTV will be at Pao Bhangra XVI! Teams will be provided a GTV video of their performance on the night of the show. Founded in 1997, Cornell Bhangra's goal is to promote awareness of Punjabi dance and culture in the community and across the nation. Bhangra is a folk dance originating in the state of Punjab in Northern India and Pakistan that celebrates the arrival of spring and everyday culture/life in Punjab. Over the past 20 years, Cornell Bhangra has grown to become among the most well-known bhangra teams in North America and on the Cornell campus. Each year we host Pao Bhangra, the largest student-run show on the Cornell campus as well as the largest Bhangra exhibition in all of North America. Last year, we had a spectacular audience of over 1000 people.